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September 23, 2018

State management with city-state

Since I joined The New York Times I have been working on modernizing our multimedia player. Changing Grunt to npm scripts, from imperative templates to Preact, using Babel for new JS lang features, simplifying the architecture, making it harder, faster, better, stronger, ...

I was proud of almost all the decisions I took during those almost 2 years. But one never felt right: using Redux for state management.

This is a purely anedoctal experience. I'm not saying that using Redux is wrong per se. It just didn't fit my mental model and use case.

Using Redux was better than using no state management solution, but I always had this feeling deep inside that it was the wrong approach. Too verbose and with its own idioms that didn't play well with native syntax as async/await and error handling. But I drank the Kool-Aid.

After 1.5 years after first implementing it on the multimedia player, I can better look in retrospect and see what went well, what didn't, and why I ended up creating my own state management library.

Better with than without

Using Redux for our use case was indeed better than not using a state management library or pattern. It was clear on where to look for state mutators and all possible state transitions.

Tooling is amazing

That was probably what got my attention at first with Redux. The redux-devtool extension was a real game changer for our team since the player is a super stateful application.


Yeah, everybody complains and knows about that. But I have to say it one more time. Redux is verbose and full of ceremony. Doing the simplest of the things (sync state change) is done in 3 steps:

  • Defining an action
  • Defining a reducer to handle that action
  • Dispatching an action

I know there are tons of libraries to remove friction from the above problem, but that actually created a new one.


There is no right way of doing anything on Redux. Need to do an async state change? Maybe you should use redux-saga...or maybe redux-thunk. How to organize code? Redux docs say you should do X, but re-ducks is super popular and says otherwise.

Redux provides you with the basic. But for any production-ready app, you will need more libraries to fill the holes Redux left and it slowly becomes into a choose your own adventure kind of game.

Killing the vibe

Using Redux was just a pain. Having to create a reducer, action, action type dict, action dispatcher, ..., for trivial things was preventing me from getting things done and it was ... boring.

JavaScript errors on AirBnB checkout process

city-state: my take on state management

Necessity being the mother of invention and me being the great wheel reinventer both made me decide to take a shot on that state management thing. My constraints were:

  • Has to be backwards compatible with Redux (I can't afford to rewrite the whole source code in one go)
  • Compatible with redux-devtool (too good to give up)
  • Encapsulated state (OOP is fine)
  • State is changed by message passing (also know as calling methods on instances)
  • Leverage new JS lang features

For that I ended up breaking the problem into 3 pieces:

  • subscribable
  • Subscribe
  • devtool

And below I describe how they work together.


Decorator that implements the following interface:

  • this.state: read-only state cache
  • this._state: writable state (will be implemented as this.#state once private fields proposal reaches stage 4)
  • this.subscribe: Observable instance subscribe method.
  • this[$$observable]: Symbol.Observable for better Observable compatibility.

Example of a counter class definition:

class Counter {
  constructor() {
    this._state = { count: 0 }

  increment() {
    this._state.count += 1

  decrement() {
    this._state.count -= 1

export default Counter

Can also be used as a function:

export default subscribable(Counter)

For changing the state, just call a method. Whenever this._state changes, all subscribers will run with the new computed state as argument.

const counter = new Counter()
const subscription = counter.subscribe(state => console.log(state)) // => { count: 0 }
counter.increment() // => { count: 1 }

counter.increment() // => Doesn't log anymore

It provides a minimal Observable API that can be used for casting to a true Observable instance:

const counterObservable = rxjs.from(counter)

Subscribe is a React component that accepts a prop to with an array of Observables and a function as children. Whenever the subscribed observables push new values, the children function runs with the new values as arguments.

<Subscribe to={[counter]}>
  {(counterState) => {
    return (
        <span> Count: {counterState.count} </span>
        <button onClick={() => counter.increment()}>Increment +</button>
        <button onClick={() => counter.decrement()}>Decrement +</button>

It's compatible with Redux since it also offers a minimal Observable interface. That enables mixing old and new code, making a step-by-step refactoring possible.

<Subscribe to={[reduxStore]}>
  {currentState => {
    return (
        <span> Count: {currentState.count} </span>
        <button onClick={() => reduxStore.dispatch(actions.increment())}>
          Increment +
        <button onClick={() => reduxStore.dispatch(actions.decrement())}>
          Decrement +

A function that accepts an observable instance as first argument and an options object as second. Works with any object that implements the Observable API (redux store, city-state subscribable, rxjs, ...)

const counter = new Counter()
devtool(counter, { name: 'counter' })

I'm in no way saying that it's wrong using Redux. It just didn't feel right to me and my use case. In the end city-state is a state management library I created to solve a need I had that was having a tool that better reflects my programming mental model. And I'm sharing it just in case anyone else feels the same.

For a full working demo, check the examples folder on Github. To better understand all the features it provides, check the test folder.

city-state is released as an open source library under the MIT license. Feedback, feature requests and pull requests are welcome and should be addressed on the Github repo.